Oh Give Me A Break!
20 April 2000
This movie is so UNREALISTIC that it becomes completely unenjoyable! While it starts out alright, a couple of cute girls tromping around the world half dressed always are, at some point you suddenly wonder.. HOW did this happen? I mean for one thing, why would two 18 yr old girls want to visit Taiwan for crying out loud??? It only gets worse once they go to prison for trying to smuggle drugs into Hong Kong. The girls are trapped, unfairly mind you, in a foreign prison where they are being maltreated and forced to sign things they don't understand, yet their parents are at home comfy as can be watching tv and continuing their precious suburban lives as if nothing is wrong. Even when the girls get a chance to call home the parents only seem mildly interested. Ummmm hello... your daughter is trapped in a foreign country???!! Parents don't give a darn, but apparently we're supposed to believe Bill Pullman does. And I'm sorry, (ps, dont' read any further if you don't want to know the ending) but no matter how good a friend you are, NOBODY would voluntarily give up 96 years of their life in a Tai prison so their friend could go free!! Give me a break indeed. And that last line??? Claire Danes throws out some babbling garbage about having hope to reduce her 96 year sentence like we're supposed to feel some Shawshank Redemption moving emotional moment here. UGH. The only emotion I felt was happiness that the film was finally OVER. Please people, there are a lot better ways to waste your time.
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