Review of Spice World

Spice World (1997)
Could have used a tad less spice...
21 October 1998
I tried and I tried, but this movie is yet another example of why "singers" should never try to make movies. No offense to the Spice Girls, but they act even worse than they sing. This movie does have some decent comedic value, but you can't hear most of the lines because of the loud Spice Girls music playing in the background, and the ones you could hear were almost indecipherable because of the strong accents (some of which just HAD to be faked). If you are a Spice Girls fan, you will probably enjoy this movie. If not, you probably will have trouble sitting through it. The sole thing the movie seems designed to do is prove one of two things: a) Posh Spice has no place in the group; b) when Ginger Spice left, so did most of the talent.
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