Paradise Road (1997)
The Dangers Of Marketing
22 May 2003
If asked who I thought what was the most barbaric regime of the 20th Century I would have no hesitation in saying the Imperial Japanese during the second world war . Hitler , Stalin and Mao murdered more people than the Japanese but they had misguided idealogy as a reason ( Not an excuse please note - A reason ) , there was no idealogy behind the Japanese atrocities . And PARADISE ROAD doesn`t mince about when portraying these atrocities . Not content with simply murdering a human being the guards make sure the prisoners suffer before and during death and it`s rather harrowing to watch. So why when this film was released did every single clip feature a female vocal orchestra ? This only takes up a small part of PARADISE ROAD which means that if anyone went to the cinema expecting to see an uplifting tale of women choirs they would be getting a severe shock . Likewise no one like myself who`s interested in the second world war would have wanted to see what they percieved was a feminist drama . The marketing men really shot themselves in the foot with this movie .

Take my advice : If you want to watch PARADISE ROAD solely for the music don`t bother . If you want a film that portrays the worst possible human behaviour don`t miss this
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