An enjoyable romp
26 September 1999
Julia Roberts won America's affection with winning turns in "Steel Magnolias" & "Pretty Woman". She proceeded to film several flops and I figured we would never see her in another good film.

I guess I enjoyed My Best Friend's Wedding because of the feelings it evoked in me. Watch the scene on the boat where Julia has to decide if she should say "I love you" right then & there...it made me remember a time when I really loved someone and never told him. I found myself tearing up. The raw emotion in Roberts' eyes during this scene was just so touching.

Roberts' battled emotions throughout the film, torn between her affection for Mike (Dermot Mulroney) and her growing affection for his new fiance, Kimmy (Cameron Diaz). I felt Roberts greatly overacted in her confrontation with Diaz, but Diaz was so believable that I soon forgot Roberts' being over the top. Diaz was a gem and held her own with Roberts, often stealing scenes. Perhaps Roberts knew this and might be the reason why she overdid it in this particular scene.

To me, the most hilarious scenes were when Roberts became angry, especially when she telephoned George (Rupert Everett)--I laughed out loud. Where on earth has Everett been hiding? He is a joy to watch and his scene at the wedding rehearsal showed his gift for screwball comedy. His reactions, to the chaos around him, are truly priceless.

My husband did not enjoy this movie as much as I did, so I guess I give this a thumbs up to women viewers.
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