Overall a good film of the novel if a bit "flat"
18 September 1998
A straightforward film version of Victor Hugo's masterpiece. Almost a bit too "flavorless" to do the story the justice. Liam Neeson is brilliant and Uma Thurman, well what can one say about this very talented actress, except that we should have seen more of her. More could have been made of the relationship of Valjean and Fantine, the actors certainly had some connection - this is a movie after all, not a play! The film does tend to jump a bit and we are not given enough time to get attached Cossette, whom looks a bit too doll-ish, young or old. A surprise is a very good performance by Geoffrey Rush (Javert), so good in fact that you forget that he is acting and really start to dislike him. This dislike turns to pity in the end.

Overall a very good representation of the novel. Simple enough to take a senior school class studying the book to.
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