Williamson does it again!
5 September 1999
Unlike many people (see other reviews) I actually thought it was really scary. The plot was good, not just some person who kills poeple for no reason (even though you should never kill, even for a reason), basically- yet again Kevin Williamson writes a great script. I really liked the cast. Jennifer Love Hewitt was really good, as usual. And Sarah Michelle Gellar, was great, she really is that kinda actress that right for horror (take, Buffy and Scream 2, for example). Freddy Prinze Jr. Wasn't bad either and Ryan Phillipe was good as well especially in car scene. And to top it all off Anne Heche just totally freaked me out, It's amazin how scary she was in this movie. Great movie- 10 outta 10, It's my favorite movie (after The Phantom Menace, that is- and just before Scream). Another reason why this movie was sooo great for me is because I'm a HUGE Kevin Williamson fan, Scream, Scream 2, IKWYDLS, and I LOVE Dawson's Creek. Buffy (in which Gellar stars, duh) Is my favorite show (with Dawson's Creek, that is) And I also really like Party Of Five (Hewitt). MUST SEE :-)
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