an ok Scream clone
1 March 2002
starring: Jennifer Love Hewitt, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddy Prinze, Jr., Ryan Phillipe, Johnny Galecki, Bridgette Wilson, and Anne Heche.

plot: Julie (Jennifer Love Hewitt), Helen (Sarah Michelle Gellar), Ray (Freddy Prinze, Jr.), and Barry (Ryan Phillipe) are driving down the road when suddenly they hit something. They get out of the car and see that they hit a man! Julie wants to go to the police but everyone else is scared that it will ruin their future. So they decide to dump the body in the ocean. A year later, Julie comes home for the summer after a hard year at college. When she reads her mail she finds a letter that says "i know what you did last summer". She reunites with Helen, Ray, and Barry and shows them the letter. Then after Barry is attacked by a man in a slicker, Helen gets her hair chopped off over night, and Julie finds a body in her trunk, they know that someone saw their crime and wants revenge. He starks to stalk and kill them and some more people with his hook. Guess who it is ....

reveiw: This movie is ok. I love Sarah Michelle Gellar in everything she plays in. So the acting is good, theres some good gore, good directing. And a cool opening.

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