What was Sarah Michelle Gellar Thinking?
27 October 2001
I have only seen this movie a few times, once upon it's original release here in the UK, and again last night, as I bought it on video (I got it in a sale for £4.99). All I have to say is - is that it? Nothing even remotely interesting happens for the entire 97 minute duration of this film. The deaths seem routine and aren't even remotely gory. How come we didn't actually see Sarah Michelle Gellar or Ryan Phillipe getting gutted (now him getting gutted I would pay good money to see), when we saw SMG being sliced and diced in Scream 2?

Another problem I have with this film is that SMG now suffers from Shatner Syndrome. She's now so famous for being Buffy, I just couldn't take her seriously as a victim. What was she thinking appearing in this mindless drivel. Most people seem to think she filmed this crap before she got the role of Buffy, but it was actually made during her hiatus between Buffy season's 1 and 2 (check the hair out and you'll see I'm right). If I had been a casting director for Buffy and seen her in this, I would never, ever have given her the role.

But, back to the film itself, as I said, nothing even remotely interesting happens for the whole film, and besides Gellar, the acting uniformly sucks!!! Whoever told Jennifer Love Hewitt and Freddie Prize Jr they could act were obviously delusional. If I ever have to sit through another 'ooooh!! I'm a serious actor' performance from Prinze, I think I might spew. God help the forthcoming 'Scooby Doo', thats all I can say - a bad CGI dog, Buffy in a red wig and Freddie Prinze Jr - a guaranteed box office disaster.
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