Human Desires (1997 Video)
Didn't Satisfy
21 January 2004
Welcome to another instantly forgettable direct-to-video romp. The story - or what they call the story - is just insulting. Perhaps that's not saying a lot for the territory, but this one hurt. Don't believe me? Watch it. It doesn't make one lick of sense. Now, okay, I know what you're thinking. It's not like we tune in for a great story so what about the naughty bits.

Disappointing. More of the same. Filmed in the same 'ol predictable style against the same 'ol backdrop. There's nudity to be found, but there's no atmosphere and no heat to really go along with it. As for Tweed herself, she doesn't star no matter what the movie box sells you. If you must know, she only gets naked once and it's far from mind blowing. Some T&A flicks surprise you, some don't and just deliver the goods. This did neither. Pass.
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