Event Horizon (1997)
would make a cheese sandwich...
28 April 2004
to begin with, the person who claimed that this was the scariest movie they ever saw gave away the actual source of this movies supposed frightening qualities: they were in grade school! and as person was to progress back through grade school, ei fifth grade, fourth grade, third grade, etc.. i would imagine it would become scarier and scarier.

the heart of the matter and the facts as they appear to this observer is that this movie is nothing more than a poor man's synthesis (read: RIPOFF) of hellraiser, 2001, and solaris. but the movie the black hole?

i don't think that guy saw either the black hole or event horizon.

someone said that the people like this film must have been on lsd while watching it... i think that is mistaken.. a combination of psp and alcohol would make more sense in terms of making this movie more interesting.. if such a thing were possible. lsd might have made this movie interesting but that is extremely dubious. personally the only thing that i can think of that would make this movie interesting would be sleeping through it. and as far as acting and characters laurence fishburn was better as "cowboy curtis".

my warning to you. do not take internally.
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