A Bitter Disappointment
20 August 2001
Maybe because I spent 13 months in Korea, is why I had such high expectations for this film. The device has not even been conceived of yet that could my measure my disgust for this unrealistic piece of garbage! Everything about the military and Korea was incorrect. The "enemy" in the film was played by Filipino actors, who bore no resemblance to actual Koreans. The producers violated Hollywood's first rule for a war movie with an Asian theme...Get every available Japanese, Korean, and Chinese actor you can!!! For all it's flaws, at least the TV show "MASH" got this right!! Lastly, and I think why I hated this movie so much, the U.S. stopped patrolling the DMZ, in 1991. We still have people in Korea, but we no longer actively patrol the DMZ. This team wouldn't even exist. The film might have stood a chance if the producers made the team CIA, instead of Army. Oh well, you pay for cable and you get what cable shows. At least I didn't waste more money on a rental!
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