Review of Dangerous Beauty

Typically unrealistic "American" plot and ending
18 October 1999
This is one of those movies that seem to be beautiful and deep at first, but eventually turn out to distort reality and give people more credit then they deserve. Being unacquainted with 1500s Venice, I watched the movie without judging, until I got to the end. This end showed me the real nature of the film, for it was so irritatingly a banal unrealistic "American" happy-ending.

British Catherine McCormack sure is beautiful and talented, and British Rufus Sewell is no worse then her, but this is a movie I will give them bad credit for doing. Their talent and beauty and the gorgeous costumes and locations are not a good enough reason to watch this ridiculously-ploted movie.

I would have given some thought to the feminist massage, but I found this movie to be so pretentious in other areas, that this is set aside.
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