Took a second viewing to fully appreciate it.
23 August 2003
As with most movies, Waiting For Guffman was much more enjoyable after I saw it a second time. I constantly hear people raving about Guest's movies or completely bashing them. Well, I won't say this is a laugh-out loud comedy, because it's not. But, it is definitely a well-written and funny movie that looks into the lives of small midwest actors. I liked this movie for many small-but-great reasons. The subtle humor works perfectly and the acting is extremely good. The shots of everybody in the audience is so dead on! The best acting (IMO) occurs in the last 15 minutes or so. I have seen Spinal Tap once and tried to watch Best In Show and didn't really like them. But! Waiting For Guffman has made me a believer out of these comedies. True, they are not for everyone. I admit I love slapstick and raunchy humor (Naked Gun,Airplane!). But I also appreciate this movie as well. I hate saying this because so many others have said it, too. But, if you don't like this movie you probably aren't smart enough to. It's not an average movie-goers genre at all. It requires the viewer to actually pay attention and notice the little things. Case in point-the scenes with the orchestra would appear to be pointless to someone who doesn't get it. But those scenes are so good at mocking reality!! It took me awhile, but I can say I'm a fan of Guest's work now. And I have Waiting For Guffman to thank!
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