Mary & Tim (1996 TV Movie)
A very special movie for personal reasons
6 August 2002
This movie will always be very special to me and I'll tell you why but first a short synopsis.

Mary has lost her husband and although her friends try to set her up with other eligible men she's content to remain single. She is in her early 50's, is reasonably well off and has a job running a bookstore that she enjoys. Into this comfortable existence stumbles Tim, an attractive young man in his mid 20's. Tim is learning disabled and works as a handyman and gardener. They meet when Tim, the butt of a practical joke, destroys some of Mary's flowerbeds and offers to repair them. Mary is pleased with Tim's work and in all innocence offers him a more permanent job as gardener. She soon learns that he cannot read and drawn by his open and friendly nature she offers to teach him.

Without planning it the two become friends and as they work together that friendship begins to blossom into something more. Here the drama begins.

Mary finds herself attracted to someone she knows that society says she shouldn't be attracted to. She knows that if she gives in to that attraction, there are those that will always condemn her affection as somehow perverted or wrong.

Also Mary is a bit overwhelmed that Tim feels the same attraction to her. Tim may be slow but he's not stupid. He's a grown man and he has a grown mans feelings. He knows what he wants and says so, first when he kisses her and then when he proposes marriage. Will she ignore society's small-mindedness and enjoy her amazing good fortune or will she yield to societies pressure and forgo the joy that could be hers?

Now as to why this movie is so special to me, its because this film deals very effectively with a conflict that I've felt personally and have never seen expressed quite so well; the feelings that a gay man feels when he considers coming out. Would I somehow find the courage to admit how I felt and take a chance at happiness or would I conform to what I knew society wanted and sacrifice any such chance.

I know that there are those that will disapprove of my choice but then Mary knew the same thing and had the courage to follow her true feelings and her true friends understood and accepted in the end. Can it really be wrong for two folks who care for each other to make each other happy when it does no harm to others?
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