Truly Truly Terrible
24 March 2001
If you are like me, you are a sucker for IMAX movies. The scale of the story, be it Elephants, Egypt or Space usually pays off at least a dozen times as huge objects fill my field of vision. I've seen a lot of IMAX movies, and this one is truly, truly the worst.

I knew there was trouble when the first sign of a space ship looked like an Estes model put against a mediocre galaxy scene. Think Battlestar Gallactica and divide by two.

The story is some garbage about some little girl and her life on the first city in space ( a phrase uttered so many times, I wonder if the repetition was intended as a dare ). A comet threatens something, and her daddy needs to fly to the meteor where a previously launched rocket misfired and fix it. This makes little to no sense, but why quibble- its a 35 minute movie in 3D, and we'll get over it when we see the money shots.

Allright, OK, this is where I let everyone know the dirty little secret of this movie. Her daddy guides his spaceship to the meteor, manuevers inside the rocket exhaust of an enabled rocket and starts the procedure to have the rockets thrust the meteor out of harms way. You might think that this scene would offer up every great or even cheesy special effect known to man. But how is the story conveyed? Aside from some brief (and pretty cool) 3D footage, the story is carried from the point of view of the little girl. We see the rocket's daring procedure from the L5 control room, in their simulation!! We see close ups of a by now not so cute little girl thinking!! And the most unbelievable thing of all- a shot in IMAX 3D on Kieko or whatever the hell her name is looking off pensively in a ball room !! Meanwhile, we get desriptions of her daddy's doings, then a brief narrated conclusion and it ends.

I would suggest anything rather than wasting money on this piece of garbage.
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