Love Between Two Men Shown Tenderly
4 September 2001
No queens, no histrionics...other than a deliberate put-on one. Lots of laughs with gays laughing at themselves or, rather, the picture that society would have of them. I had never understood before how men can make love face to face. And the scene between the dyke and the queer (it's OK, they use these words) trying to make love is PRICELESS!!! Talk of forests and lollipops. The boy and girl dancer are really best friends.

What's really poignant is the scene in Greece....was it the Delphi ruins? The timeless beauty of the place, and the definitely known finite-ness of the visitors was a juxtaposition you'll seldom see. As he throws the ashes of 2 AIDS victims out in the beautiful Aegean (?) Sea, the wind blows it back upon them. "I've got Ramon in my eyes" the dancer responds. From the georgeous Grecian landscape back to the burning wrecked cars in a junkyard of London was a GREAT seque.

Judy Tutin has died, which is why I bought this movie. Her line "Don't be sad because you won't grow old." as her self-knowledge about her Altheimer's becomes more obvious, is even more touching.

So, we have a comedy about dancers and AIDS. What other profession has been so struck by this horror?

The lines about living life to its' fullest till you die are tremendously inspiring, and the comedy all around keeps the beautifully shot movie from being doleful. See it with a gay who dances.
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