Black Sheep (1996)
Too much of a good thing *is* too much of a good thing.
17 March 2003
What went wrong with this movie? I can think of a couple of things.

1) Farley and Spade were a match made in comedy heaven. But that doesn't mean they had to act like Farley and Spade very second of this movie.

2) There's no effort whatsoever in building their characters. They take for granted the moviegoing viewer automatically knows Farley is loud and Spade is sarcastic.

3) The jokes seem to be aimed at the 10 year old crowd.

4) The whole movie seems to be riding in "Tommy Boy"'s wake.

Take everything that was right with "Tommy Boy" (the family values, sweetness, the raunchy comedy, etc.), multiply it by 10, and you end up with a movie that tries too hard to be what it is not.

Namely, funny.

What are you waiting for? Go rent "Tommy Boy" and forget about this one.
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