Review of 7th Heaven

7th Heaven (1996–2007)
26 May 1999
This television show has got to go. Never before have I seen such poor actors, unrealistic plots, and boring subjects on a television show. I tuned in one day and saw Lucy upset because she had not gotten her period yet. Just when I think that it wouldn't get any more ridiculous than that, I was wrong. Lucy's big sister Mary is telling Lucy to stand upside down on her head, because "that will help her get her period"! That was the most absurd topic of a show that I had ever seen. Also, I saw another show. This show was the episode where in little girl got a tic-tac lodged in her nose, and couldn't get it out. The girl's family (being the over-exaggerating family they are) panicked and thought it was the end of the world. Now let's be serious. If your 4 year old does something that is expected of a typical 4 year old (like putting something up their nose) is that really something that you should interrupt church about by yelling and screaming? No, not at all. They were acting like the girl had a heart attack when she merely had a little tic-tac in her nose. It seems to me that the show "7th Heaven" is very lame and unrealistic. I say that it is unrealistic, because in addition to what I have already mentioned, the family over-exaggerates about everything. The way that they handle their problems are in no way like the way that a typical family would solve them. Typical families don't have "family meetings" for some minute problem, and most of them don't tell each other to stand upside down to start their period either. I have seen many people on this web-site that have called this a "good family show". I see it as just the opposite. I wouldn't want my children watching a show so meaningless, unreal, and STUPID. Do you really want your children watching a show where the cast stands upside down so that they can get their period? I should hope not. You know what the saddest thing about this is? "7th Heaven" is a new show. It is not like the show has been running for years, and they are running out of topics. It is a new show, and they still can't think of better topics? Two horrible thumbs down is what I give this lame show.
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