What was the point?
23 February 2002
White man's burden definately had an interesting premise in the fact that the white man in the US was the oppressed and the minority race instead of the black man. So why didnt they make a film that was thought provoking and had any relivance to the above concept? What we got was a lame story about an employee who is unfairly sacked and who tries to get justice by getting the money he is owed from the boss of his company. The most stupid thing about the story is not the fact that it does not go into black white reversal enough but the fact of the Travolta character actually get his boss after 5 minutes to give him his money and his job back ,so why did he not accept that and go home? A pointless movie that is desperate to make a point.

Another of John travolta's turkeys. 4 out of 10
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