Delightful film
17 April 2004
This is a delightful film about a Southern belle, Grace King Bichon

(Julia Roberts), who chafes under the domination of her

brook-no-dissent father, and is cheated on by her husband. Grace

works for her father on his horse farm, and her suppressed

resentment of his iron rule has likely helped derail her marriage to

Eddie. In any event, the film is ultimately about the love and

strength of family relationships and the power of forgiveness, as

well as finding one's own path in life. All actors turn in great

performances: Julia Roberts as the heroine and wronged wife;

Robert Duvall as the family patriarch; Gena Rowlands as the

beautiful and devoted spouse and mother; and Kyra Sedgwick as

the transgressive sister. Dennis Quaid as Grace's philandering

husband is very appealing, so it's hard not to be rooting for he and

Grace to reconcile. Finally, good cinematography and a portrait of

gracious Southern living make this film an enjoyable view.
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