Review of Screamers

Screamers (1995)
A good, fun video to rent
21 February 1999
I'm a big fan of Philip K. Dick, and so I already knew the basic story behind Screamers. (it was based on a short story of his). On seeing the film, I was satisfied with the way that they managed to work around the original's cold war trappings. Also, despite the low budget, the effects were sufficiently good to suspend disbelief. In fact, the attention to detail (surroundings, back-ground, odd gadgets etc.) was excellent, as is important in all sci-fi creating a coherent world, the movie becomes that much more convincing. The performances were excellent, for such a low budget, and some of the lines were very quotable (up there with the script of 'Aliens' if you ask me). This is always an advantage. However, right at the end, I felt a little let down by the love-scene. It kind of destroyed Philip k. Dick's 'message'. Nevertheless, I managed to overlook that, considering how much fun it was.

This film is no classic, but it's well worth a look. It's really quite good!
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