The Prophecy (1995)
Lord knows I have a soft spot for Lucifer
28 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I watched LEATHERFACE: TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE III last night and was noticing just how great Viggo Mortensen really is as an actor. LORD OF THE RINGS series is my favourite films and therefore thought I'd look into other Viggo movies. I am glad I did this.

I looked on IMDB and noticed he was on THE PROPHECY. I have all three of these movies on my shelf and had never watched them before. I like Christopher Walken, but never thought I'd like this film. It didnt look like a horror movie and I didn't really know what to expect. 'What kind of film is it' is still a good question, genre wise anyway. My answer to this question would be simply that it's a great movie.

It's not slow on action, but slow on explination. I could not easily begin to explain it right now, but it's easy to understand while you're watching it. I am agnostic and don't like movies that deal with religion, but it is often interesting to see it on film and how different people view it.

possible spoilers...

This is not your basic good versus evil type of film. It deals with a storyline that is completley original. Neither good nor evil is good nor is either of them evil. Hard to explain what I am saying, but watch the movie and you will understand. God's angels are wicked and Lucifer himself saves the world from damnation.

The cast is brilliant I loved all these actors here. Walken was perfect for his role and I could not imagine my king Aragorn as Lucifer but Viggo as Lucifer now is one of my favourite movie characters of all time. It was perfect, when I think of Lucifer, I do think he is wicked evil, but at the same time I dont see him as being this monster people make him out to be. If god and heaven exsists, Lucifer was no different than the next guy, just maybe he didn't like the ways of God. I don't know - there's so many different views of religion in this world. I am not a follower, but peace and love to those who are, faith is a good thing, I like how Lucifer in this movie felt that too, it was positive.

9 out of 10 stars. Original, great effects, great acting, scenery, and worth a watch if you like a good film. Still not sure what genre it is, but who cares as long as it entertains - labels suck any damn way!
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