The Prophecy (1995)
Interesting, but gross. Unnecessarily so.
7 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** I could have fallen in love with this movie and watched it over and over again, so sucked in by the plot and the performances. I didn't. You know why? Half the time I was cowering behind a T.V. guide during truly disgusting sequences.

I mean, sure, maybe when they were in the cave and (MAJOR SPOILER) * * * * * * saw the field of dead angels on stakes, I could have lived with that. It's important to the story. and maybe even Lucifer cutting out Gabriel's heart, but the rest of the stuff? Like half-burnt Simon and Uziel's very bad death and cremation? It was unecessary and kind of cheesy, but it made my stomach churn. We didn't need that crap. * * * * (SPOILERS OVER)

Other then that I pretty much enjoyed it. Walken was hilarious, "Don't start on me again? Don't start!" or Mortensen as Lucifer. He was entrancing, and so was little Mary as she gave her gruesome, chilling speech.

Watch it, and if you have the stomach for it, watch it again.
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