Nemesis 4: Death Angel (1996 Video)
They had a kernel of an idea but just didn't get it to sprout.
7 January 2000
I believe that the primary focus was to give Sue Price fans and other female bodybuilding fans a chance to look at a female bodybuilder in the nude. That's fine up to a point. What you'll find here are obviously long drawn out scenes of dialogue with Sue Price standing in the scene naked. And I do mean long. I think what drew any of us to this video, and the others in the series is the potential for action by a female character. That does not happen. The long dialogue is way overdone. There is one scene which is so gratuitous, yeah that's the word I'm looking for, that you almost fall asleep. In a car Sue spends time discussing killing with her partner naked. It's a cool shot but just not for that long. They discuss their relationship, her wanting to get out of the business, yada yada yada. Very little action. I am not against the nudity, in fact I wished there was more of that kind of freedom in movies like this but nudity just for the sake of letting us see Sue nude is too much. The reason you cast Sue Price is to see her use her body in an imposing way. She has the capability of killing. So let her wield some weapons and do some killing. There was one great scene in Nemesis 2 or 3 where she pulled a Charli Baltimore and sprayed bullets as she was falling backwards off a building. That is the kind of stuff that a female hero is supposed to be doing. I feel sorry that more wasn't done with Sue because I thought she could have pulled off the character a lot better given more to do.
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