Habit (1995)
Bores you from the Start
7 September 1999
The video box makes you think this vampire flick is something that shouldn't be missed, but. . .it's overlong and boring. Nothing really happens, there are no spectacular special effects, and they try to make up for lack of story by stringing along 50 sex scenes, but they don't help at all. The acting is alright (I just have to say the main guy needs dental implants though), but they try so hard to make the film sexy and suspenseful that it comes across as contrived and boring. Also, whoever made this film was probably influenced by "Basket Case" (it has the same atmosphere and a nude jogging scene) and "Graveyard Shift" (for it's depiction of vampires). If you see this turkey at your local video store -- avoid it! Rent "Basket Case," "Graveyard Shift" or even the TV series "Kindred, the Embraced" instead!
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