Review of Droid Gunner

Droid Gunner (1995)
Would've been better if Rochelle had gotten topless at least once.
23 June 1999
This film is a "B" movie impersonation of "BladeRunner", but without the great acting of Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer, the fantastic cinematography, and the character development of the original story. Instead, we have Mark Singer doing a decent job at imitating Harrison Ford's character but there really is no character to match Rutger Hauer's android portrayal. The closest thing is Matthias Hues playing a smuggler-turned-sidekick. There's Rochelle Swanson in the role of the hero's love interest instead of Sean Young, and Swanson does a much better job of keeping my interest in the film than any of the other actors. I counted three opportunities for Rochelle Swanson to take off her clothes: a) when she sneaks into the brothel as a prostitute; b) when she comes running out of the brothelowner's room; c) when she's alone with the owner of New Angeles and he's trying to judge her qualities as a "pleasure droid". I guess they just didn't pay her enough money to do the nude scenes. They should've written the space battle parts out of the script and offered the money savings to Rochelle, because, really, she's the best reason to see this film.

Most of the other female characters get naked, including a part at the beginning where Brinke Stevens is dancing on the local bar's stage, but nothing very erotic or adventurous. Nobody gets tied up or beaten, there's no gore (except for some wires coming out of an adroid's mouth), no scary parts, and no suspense. The big fight scene is just like any other gunfight scene out of a 1970's tv show - a couple guys crouching down shooting their pieces at a couple of other guys crouching down shooting their pieces. At least we're spared any goofy space suits or costumes.

Worth watching twice. First for the plot, then for Rochelle.
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