A cartoon fantasy for Democrats
21 August 2000
Really, how else to possibly describe this movie? The characters are all cartoon cutouts - especially the eeeeevil Republicans. The dour gray-haired Republican prez candidate has no real issues to run on (but I repeat myself), so the eeeeevil Republicans deviously scheme in their smoke-filled room to undermine the saintly Democrat president's credibility. But I thought Richard Dreyfuss miscalculated his portrayal of his Bob Dole-like character by not bursting out at some point like Simon Legree with a "Nyah ha haaaaa!!!". Would've added a little subtlety. Just a quibble...

Anyways, the dastardly Republicans are able to hurt the saint - er, President because this widower has - horrors! - A girlfriend! We know their love is pure by the sappy music that always swells up when they're in the same room, and by the dating advice his daughter gives him in between tuba practices.

OK, so Republican- (or conservative-) bashing is part of the standard Writers' Guild contract. But there's NO clause that says the writer & director MUST insult your intelligence while doing it. Jeez!
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