The Addiction (1995)
Worst Vampire Movie Ever/Most Pretentious Movie Ever
28 June 2003
Yes, there are plenty of Z-Vampire gore fests that are just terrible, but at least they're not pretending to be intellectual. The characters in The Addiction do nothing but name drop philosophers. "It's like Kierkagard said" "It's like Nietzche said." "It's like Sartre said." I am familiar with the works of Friedrich Nietzche, and I am in no way impressed with people who constantly refer to his work.

Christopher Walken, usually so cool, shows up for less than 2 minutes, and he has absolutely no impact on events, making me wonder why he gets such high billing for something so forgettable.

I suppose philosophy majors enjoy this, in between working where ever it is that philosophy majors get jobs. The Addiction is nothing but a self-righteous bore, and that's putting it mildly. I even liked Interview with the Vampire, and I still can't take how absolutely heavy-handed this waste of film is.
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