Absolutely wonderful!
31 August 2003
Emily's Rating: 5 out of 5 feet!

This summer I became interested in Jane Austen, but, alas, I found her books hard to read and I became impatient. So, I rented her some of her movies from the library. I saw Mansfield Park (1999), Sense and Sensibility (1995), Emma (1996), and the Pride and Prejudice from 1940 and the mini-series from 1995.

Now, all of these adaptations were well done (though Mansfield Park was by far my least favourite), but Pride and Prejudice has one thing that the other films will NEVER have. And that is Colin Firth. Now, I saw Sense and Sensibilty before P&P, and I thought that Hugh Grant was the ultimate 19th Century British man, but Colin Firth is actually a lot hotter, and even more talented! He was GREAT in this adaptation, and his chemistry with Jennifer Ehle was also wonderful.

Not once during this whole 5 hours did I get bored, even though there weren't any explosions or even any kissing! The acting was THAT good! I also loved how they were true to the storyline of the novel (practically scene for scene) and the accuracy was probably the best. The 1940 version of Pride and Prejudice wasn't as accurate (like when Darcy and Elizabeth kiss as soon as they are engaged), didn't stay as true to the book and the romance between Darcy and Elizabeth wasn't as interesting or intriguing. There was also no Colin Firth.

After I saw this movie I actually got through the book, and found it much easier to read than Emma or Sense and Sensibilty. (This may be because Colin Firth was on the cover.) This was definitely the best Austen adaptation I have ever seen. Watch it next time it comes on A&E or get it from your library! It is WONDERFUL! (And, if I were you, I'd tape the scene where Darcy goes in swimming, so you can watch it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.)
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