Tokyo Cowboy (1994)
Warm, funny and graceful
7 June 2004
This is a perfectly balanced film. The timing is all right as it moves between tension and humor, sentiment and meaning, uncertainty and resolution. The movie never wastes its time to pull out tears or laughs from the audience. All the enjoyment flows out naturally and uncontrived. Nor is the director's artistry on parade. Rather the film's beauty is subtle and supportive. The cross-cultural clashes are much more bilateral and accurate than in the more acclaimed "Lost in Translation." Though the "coming out" theme is old, this handling of it is fresh; and the script is well written. The cast works very well together. I wish I could see more of them. I'd especially like to see some other of Hiromoto Ida's works. I also very much appreciated Anna Ferguson and Alec Willows in this.
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