Only for hardcore Li fans
27 November 2000
If you're not already a hardcore - and I do mean ultra-hardcore must see everything the man has done - Jet Li fan, AVOID THIS MOVIE AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT. I and one of my best friends are avid HK movie fanatics, and very big on Li. At best, we drank beer and tried hard not to laugh at the ultra-bad story and lame acting and poor action. The plot device of a modern-day Jet Li and his cohorts expressing their emotions about what is going on in their lives thru a continuing written story of a 'King of Adventurers' is absolutely terrible and distracting. And I LIKE stories told thru flashback and scene jumping, a la Man Called Hero. Though I'm sure someone will claim this device is 'inventive', it is incredibly annoying and very poorly delivered. And don't even get me started on the scene with the puppet mutant mouse - yes, you unfortunately read that right, a giant puppet mutant mouse.

For hardcore Li fans the only thing of interest is seeing Li play a totally different type of character - out of touch, a semi-loser, not sure what's going on and dumped on by his love interest. And that held my attention - for all of five minutes. Then I had to have more beer. And it still didn't help. Do yourself a favor and skip over the VCD in your local Chinatown and grab New Legend of Shaolin or Hitman if you're in the mood for Li, or Tokyo Raiders or Double Tap for good modern HK cinema. Buy this thing only if you're really drunk or really daring, or you need a new coaster for your drink. And if you do buy it, don't call me.
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