16 June 2000
If you like melodramatic tripe. I saw this years ago, and thought it was so-so. Saw it again last night and it blew me away at how awful the whole movie is. So while I was watching it, i was trying to figure out just what makes this so awful. Is it the actors? Well.. no.. brad pit can act, just watch seven, fight club, 12 monkeys, or true romance... and he's the center of the movie. Is it the director? Well.. no.. there are plenty of well shot and memorable scenes. I believe it all comes down to the source material. The dialogue is so cheesy, often to the point of being downright idiotic, that there is no way you can present it with out being completely awful. I'm sorry, but it's Anne Rice's fault. I believe a more appropriate title for this movie would be "Brad Pitt's Flowing Locks", since that's what it seems to be centered on. This movie went through me like a pane of glass, to paraphrase a line from the movie. Truly awful.
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