This babe kicks serious ass!
9 January 2002
I've always had a soft spot for 'Troma' releases. I still can't help but laugh, intensely, at 'The Toxic Avenger': top stuff indeed!

I bought 'Femme Fontaine' on a (possibly drunken) whim and simply for its 'trashy' appeal. What better way to spend your idle time than watching strong and equally provocative women in thigh-high boots killing male-after-male?! Margot Hope is an attractive and seductive enough lead too. Quite simply these films cannot be beaten. There's enough violence, gore, sex appeal, and sheer garbage here to last a good few years.

Ok, so maybe I exaggerate just a little but what male can honestly say that he doesn't find some sort of arousal from watching physically strong and attractive female protagonists? Long live the femme fatale...long live Femme Fontaine!

I'm not going to go into any great depth here...some believe that this film is a bold post-feminist statement. If that's the case then so be it, who am I to argue? To conclude, this is a funny enough film, sure, it's not going to shake the world a la 'Lord of The Rings' (such a strange contrast to make!) but what is, surely not a 'Troma' film! If you happen to see this film on TV, or for rent, then give it a try. Hey, even the worst of films can have their positive features! If you are interested in this film then I also recommend Clarence Fok's 'Naked Killer', Jake West's 'Razor Blade Smile', and if you fancy something a little more serious why not try Luc Besson's 'La Femme Nikita'.
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