Review of The Stand

The Stand (1994)
Don't judge a movie by it's length or whatever happened to Rita Blakemoor
14 June 2001
Over-all I found 'The Stand' an acceptable TV-production. One couldn't be bothered with the length, esp. if you know the book.

Not very well casted but what would you expect from a 6-hour B-movie? The second part - the second 3 hours that is - I enjoyed more than the first. I guess it had to do with the thickening of the plot, even knowing the story by at least reading the book 3 times, the long version. Very nice to see a bit of 2 great stars like Kathy Bates and Ed Harris. (both uncredited) Their part might have been longer though, pity. I don't think choosing Jamie Sheridan for the role of RF was bad, but what would you say if a character like Michael Madsen had played this??? Anyway JS reminded me of MM somehow. Another good choice was Gary Sinise as Stu Redman. He made me think of Tom Hanks sometimes, good acting! Something that really bothered me was how Stephen King - who wrote the teleplay - messed up his own story. Rita Blakemoor being omitted is hardly acceptable for the viewers who also read the book, whatever version. (only one reviewer noticed it so far!) It certainly put Larry Underwood in a different situation and some others too, like Lucy Swann. On the other hand - if anyone had to be neglected - King could have left out the Joe-character as he did not add much to the movie. There were also pieces I could not remember from the book. The first one: a meeting between Abagail and Randall Flagg not far from the beginning, where the blood came gushing out of their hands. Another one was the shooting from a window by Julie Laurie when Tom and Nick left her alone. (comments anyone?) 6 out of 10 for this one.
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