Review of Holy Weapon

Holy Weapon (1993)
He flies through the air with the greatest of ease...
30 July 2004
Simon Yam plays Super Sword, a villain who transmogrifies into a badly animated cleaver whenever good guys threaten his evil plans. He's opposed by the Seven Maidens, who metamorphose at film's end into the Virgin Sword, a super weapon that resembles Texas pop group The Polyphonic Spree more than a death dealing blade of vengeance. In between some decent fight sequences, the film opts for cheap and sleazy scatalogical humor, most of which is childish beyond words, but the film does feature some memorable imagery, including the remarkable Black Widow Ninja and an opening sequence that, intentionally or otherwise, echoes Bunuel's Simon of the Desert. By no means a classic, Holy Weapon should be watched with your finger atop the fast forward button. The usual ineptly translated subtitles periodically slip off the bottom of the screen, but you won't be missing much important dialogue.
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