Review of Ninja Scroll

Ninja Scroll (1993)
Absolutely gorgeous!
24 February 2003
How often does it happen to you, that you feel the irresistible urge to watch the film again STRAIGHT after you've just finished watching it? Well, certainly not every day - I don't really remember when was the last time when it happenned to me. But Ninja Scroll is a prime example of such film - you'll want to see it again & again & again, and then maybe a couple of times more. It's absolutely fantastic, in every sense & aspect. The plot may seem a little too complex, but actually it is a relief to find a truly challenging film that requires all your attention in order to get its point across to you - especially in the age of no-brainer entertainment. The animation is superb, the characters are intriguing - and ah, the fight sequences.... This is the most smashing action film I've seen in years, all the fights are imaginative and breathtaking. Brilliant, just brilliant, what more can I say? Buy it, rent it, steal it, own it, and watch it, or your life will never be complete!
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