Whatever side of the divide you may sit...
30 July 2004
...this film is spot on. For the sake of this film I sit on the British side of the line, for I've seen the terror and the immediate fall out even though I had nothing to do with the history leading up to it. Regardless, the acts of a mindless few doesn't ever justify the gross abuse of power seen and portrayed in this film.

The British who view it can't help but be appalled at the behaviour of their own because we do pride ourselves on having a fair and balanced legal system. The Irish who view it can't help but applaud the rare nature of a film making a stand from their side.

But one side shouldn't attack the other over opinions on a film such as this; neither the British for the inaccuracies or the Irish for the Brits apparent refusal to accept something very wrong was done in our name.

Instead it should just be appreciated as a film that makes a very valid point, in a very effective manner.
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