Review of Dave

Dave (1993)
Mushy political commentary -- but it offers the best American actor of the 1990s
9 August 2003
Don't expect "Dave" to be an in-depth satire of the way the American political system *really* works. Despite some nasty stuff in the beginning, the picture quickly goes soft. And no tough questions are asked. (I mean, are Americans such morons that they'll vote for -- and applaud -- a ruthless, corrupt president? Well, that's what "Dave" implies, but it never dares to state that thought out loud.) But one shouldn't blame the producers. Millions were invested into this film. Audiences wouldn't pay their $7 or however much movie tickets cost in 1993 to watch the grim, ugly reality of American politics.

Therefore. . . we have an American president who is ruthless, but whose VP is a conveniently good and honest politician (one whose first job was selling shoes, no less -- only in America!). Now, why the meanie prez picked the goody VP is never explained -- but it doesn't matter, as long as things can fall into place for that tacked-on, absurd happy ending that is so dear to commercial filmmakers.

Yet, despite its many flaws (including some awful, overbearing music), "Dave" is a movie worth watching because it offers Kevin Kline in top form. This brilliant actor has a tough time playing the cold and heartless president (Kline is too warm a performer to be 100% convincing as The Zombie Leader of the Free World -- wherever that world may be). But as the title character, Kline is superb: handsome and goofy, alternately amused and bemused, sometimes both amused AND bemused. The supporting cast is generally capable, especially Frank Langella as the scheming Chief-of-Staff.

In all honesty, this viewer was hoping against hope that Langella would get his way at the end. That would have been a more honest assessment of the political world and a more honest ending for this picture. Even so, considering today's ugly headlines, one laments that life doesn't imitate the movies -- at least as far as the political power game is concerned.
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