Boiling Point (I) (1993)
This is an Excellent Movie!
15 January 2002
I have seen this movie about ten times. Every time I start to watch it, I finish it. I cannot believe all of the negative reviews. It was intelligent and well acted. Dennis Hopper plays one of his best "sleazes" ever. Viggo Mortenson is great as Hopper's mindless attack dog. The story deals with a Secret Service sting gone bad. One agent is killed and Wesley Snipes (Agent) goes about finding out who did it. What I liked about this movie was that it was smart. The author did some great research and that was reflected in the movie. You see it in the dialog and you see it in the story. Moreover, the acting was first rate, with many talented performers acting at the top of their trade. Ignore the bogus reviews. What I think happened, is that the movie did poorly at the theaters. There is this misconception that failure at the box office is an indication of a bad movie, wrong! Plenty of good movies bomb and plenty of terrible movies do well, some even win the Academy. Good story, good performances and good movie!
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