Review of Alive

Alive (1993)
Tense but Left Much To Be Desired
2 February 2002
The fact that this movie is based on a true story makes it more interesting. It starts out with John Malkovich remembering the people that were lost in the plane crash. (42 were on the flight, 26 died, 16 lived.) In the beginning, the rugby team just seems like a bunch of jerks ignoring the directions given by the steward. Simple things like stop throwing the ball across the plane, put that cigarette out (as he lights up another) may have participated in the crashing of the plane. The acting left much to be desired. (As the plane crashes the people are orderly and completely calm, and later they exit the demolished plane in an orderly fashion. One guy actually gets out of the plane, sits down, and smokes and cigarette without saying a word except, "We're f***ed." The movie doesn't get you close enough to the characters to make you care enough when they die. The fact that this actually happened keeps the viewers attention and certainly makes them pity the people that actually had to go through this unimaginable terror of choosing whether to eat the dead or die. (Those scenes can make you a bit uneasy.) All in all this was a well made movie, but moved too slow and much of the acting was second rate.
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