Review of Airborne

Airborne (1993)
Talk about waste of film
17 July 1999
I remember watching Airborne when it first came out in theaters, but back then, I had a huge crush on Shane McDermott. He had just got done making the TV show Swans Crossing. I was really excited to see that he was in a film. I knew Shane wasn't a very good actor, but I was a teenager in love. I didn't like the film, but then it was worth the watch. I recently rewatched it on video. It was even worse than ever! Bad acting, dull, boring, and monotonous. I also couldn't believe I was ever in love with Shane McDermott. I thought he was wasn't that attractive. Please, if you are browsing through a video store, and pick this one up, I urge you to put it back! It isn't worth the money.
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