Touching and critical story, lacking artistic and technical touch
14 February 2000
On the surface, this film is a story about a woman and her family's struggle through the tribulations of a rape/defence trial. A middle aged woman, wife of a restaurant owner, and mother of a disabled son, is acosted by two teenagers while outside a discotheque in the early morning. The two men try to rape the woman, but she is able to escape before being defiled by biting one of her assailants. While she is persuaded not to press charges by her peers, the "bitten" teenager presses charges and a trial ensues. If you know about Korean society and law, what follows is a story about women's role and view in society as well as within individual families. It showcases the inequality of women in Korean society (even somewhat today). My professor told me feminists liked the movie, but it did not do so well in theatres. It might have to do with the overall technical details. It looks more like an 80's television movie in terms of quality, but that is also partly due to the late development of the Korean film industry.
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