Review of The Crying Game

What's The Point?
16 September 1999
I don't have to go into the details of this pointless, meandering movie because just about every human being on the face of the planet was conned into believing (thanks to the critics) that this was a modern day Gone With The Wind.

The production, direction, editing, sound and acting are superb, but what is the point of the story (is there a story?). This film is like a day in the life of...what? A man can learn to question his own sexuality or accept other people's alternative life styles?

Before I forget. The scene. You know. THAT scene. As soon as Dil shows up I whisper in my wife's ear, "That is one masculine looking chick". I was shocked but it takes more that a one second scene to make an entire movie.

The film reminded me of 2001: A Space Odyssey (a great film). Not because of the film itself, but because of people's reaction. People need to rationalize paying a baby sitter, a movie, popcorn and a soda, so for days after seeing this people were actually having discussions of the films meaning.
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