City Hunter (1993)
Silly and very funny
31 October 2001
This is one funny movie based on the Japanese manga comic City Hunter. I wouldn't call it a comedy, but it sure has been chuckle-mania to me. Some things about this movie really stand out. First of all, the colors are very bright in this movie, very lively. Second of all, Jackie Chan has the Ryu Saebu part down well enough. Third of all, the humor is really great. Fourth of all, there is lots of babes in it, just like in the comic version. Fifth of all, there is some good fighting scenes in it. Jackie Chan always manages to hire actors that never get a break and he brings out the best in them. In this case I am talking about Richard Norton and Gary Daniels. I wonder what they could do if someone would give them a good script, a real script. I recommend this movie to everyone. It's funnier than most of the crap Hollywood produces. If a Jackie Chan movie is not your cup of tea I think you should give Jackie a break. He is one of a kind and deserves better. AND, if you are a Street Fighter fan you definitely have to check out this movie. It contains a Street Fighter scene that is way better than the Street Figher movie with Van Damme. And no knocking on Van Damme because I think he is great, but just got a lousy script for Street Fighter. City Hunter is the bomb. Definitely not your everyday kind of movie. And if you don't like this movie go buy a sense of humor because you sure miss that.
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