Quiet, Pleasant Little Movie
4 July 2001
Roger Moore, my fave Bond, finally gets a chance to show his acting chops. This flick is about a mysterious stranger who comes into the lives of three very different women and has a gorgeous Maine setting.

The only weak point is an out of place crime subplot. But it's wrapped up not too shabbily by the cast, director, and screenwriter. The screenplay could've been better, but all in all it's a mildly amusing, slight, harmless movie.

This film made me also realize that actor Jake Weber, who plays a hitman in this film, was not Alan Cumming. I always thought Alan was the guy from Meet Joe Black. They look so much alike, I guess it was easy for me to confuse them as the same dude.

I just wish old Rog would do some more dramatic roles in films like this. I always thought it would be great if Stanley Kubrick had cast Roger in Sydney Pollack's role in Eyes Wide Shut. Kinda like how Quentin Tarantino took a chance on Robert Forester, another under appreciated actor, in Jackie Brown. Ah, well, what might have been...

But I, as usual, well, not that usual, digress. See Bed & Breakfast. Dig?
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