Somebody get me some Motrin!!!
10 November 1998
What a rare find this is! A newspaper reporter goes to a nuclear power plant only to get dumped into a pool of contaminated radioactive waste by sleazy executive ^~$holes. He becomes an ugly flesh-faced innocent...reporter...who looks like Freddy Krueger and trying to convince his girlfriend Richelle that's he's him! He has a unique way to kill...with his face! (???) That's right, another independent film by a nut who copied off certain movies to make a lame-brained spoof of horror movies we have all grown to love. And there's much more to describe the horrifically bad taste. One can't fully understand the awful acting and dumb dialogue as well as the plain colored sets along with the shades and hues of blue. As trying to be hilarious, it's willing to be boring. The character Richelle does a decent job at acting in despair and grief up to the bitter end, and the print looks nice, but what's the meaning of R. OF THE R. R.? Virtually none! It's meaningless in all entirety! Rare movies like this are worth a look, including a bizarre skateboard-psycho network movie I saw called SHREDDER ORPHEUS, but if you're planning on forking tons of dough over that hard-to-find movie, seek financial help. Don't complain about getting cheated over it if you had already spent your hard-earned $80 worth!
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