Once Around (1991)
A little thing of beauty
11 July 2004
After watching the preview a local tv-station broadcast a couple of times I expected a kind of lame film about a silly romantic girl who falls for the wrong guy who presents himself as a rich spoiled arrogant piece of work and then turns out to be the imposter type. The only reasons I decided to watch it nonetheless were a lack of alternatives at the time, Holly Hunter and good old Richard Dreyfuss. Since the first film I saw with Dickie in it (Moon over Parador) I can't help but love the guy. And I am a man for crying out loud! Anyway, now you know why. And I have no regrets whatsoever. Holly is charmingly innocent, clumsy, all the ingredients for disappointment in life waiting around every corner are present. She clearly is the type who can't do a thing without her father telling her how, when where en with whom. She hasn't exactly grown up and become an independent woman yet. Then her fiance finally bursts her bubble admitting he is not going to marry her. This event triggers her growing up (the theme of the film). I won't reveal the story, but the good thing is it never becomes the true cliche you expect it to. Richard can do the arrogant -yet loving, caring- schmuck on autopilot and clearly has a ball portraying his character, so full of energy. The rest of the cast also display great performance in this little film that keeps surprising. Even though it is an all-American product, it has got none of the typical cheap traits so often spoiling Hollywood films. If you ask me, that explains the relative meager score here on IMDb, I wouldn't be surprised if people just missed the point in this film. A pearl! (8/10)
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