No Telling (1991)
Mostly reprehensible; even the credits are offensive
15 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This film is already so spoiled, spoilers can't spoil it!

Animal lovers, DO NOT WATCH THIS MESS. There are very few redeeming values to this film. Good are about three scenes amongst the countless, choppy, ain't-we-clever-with-the-camera-three-minutes-or-less-shots.

The Dr. Frankensteinish husband isn't a good actor. The wife and would-be lover are better. Animals are literally thrown away, caught in traps, mutilated, cut in half and sewn back together, but not with their original counterparts. Two or three lines made me chuckle (one of these non-intentionally), and the wife has nice hair.

The credits were distasteful in that: a) the film-makers put an offensive disclaimer at the end of the standard `no animals were harmed in the making of this film' disclaimer and b) they sought to philanthropize their sloppy effort by name-dropping and appealing to the viewer to donate, conserve, preserve, blah blah blah. These pretentious jerks seemed to think of their film as a harsh indictment of what it depicts - that is to say, the evils of science. WHATEVER. Skip it - you'll be glad that you did. Godawful.
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