Hudson Hawk (1991)
A cult classic is such because most people who watch underground films widely accept that it is; not just because a few Bruce Willis fanatics clamor its supposed "wit", and "overlooked appeal&
23 September 2001
Sorry, people, but no matter how badly you want this to be considered a cult classic, it isn't, and will never be. The reason why: Bruce Willis. A cult classic is such because most people who watch underground films widely accept that it is; not just because a few Bruce Willis fanatics clamor its supposed "wit", and "overlooked appeal" (which this film has none of). And just because a film was a failure at the box-office doesn't automatically warrant it a cult following (and for this film, the word "failure" is a huge understatement); it needs substance as well. There are some films which undeservedly fail at the box-office ("Buckaroo Banzai", and "Ford Fairlane" come to mind), and then there's the type of film that is absolutely deserving of all the scorn, and revilement they receive. And that type of film is "Hudson Hawk". To me, "Hudson Hawk" is nothing more than an egoistical Bruce Willis vehicle that is used to show off how smug he is... well, how smug he THINKS he is. It's a shame, too, because any other actor could have brought some style to the role of Hudson Hawk, and brought the egotism down a notch that Willis relies on so much to make the audience thinks he's "cool". Hey, Willis, here's a tip: the more you have to remind your audience of how "cool" you are, the less you actually are. This film would have had a lot of potential... if another actor was chosen for the title role instead of Willis. Want REAL heroes that have their own quirky movie? If so, then watch "Buckaroo Banzai", or "Ford Fairlane", unless, of course, you're one of those idiots who thinks the sight of Bruce Willis hamming it up and smirking is the most witty thing you've ever seen in your life. Willis single-handedly ruins this entire film; he completely overshadows his fellow actors with his arrogance. Every time a secondary character (and trust me, EVERY character is a secondary in THIS film; the only main character is Willis' over-inflated ego) appears to be salvaging a scene in this clunker, Willis shows up, and his very presence ruins anything the scene had going for it.

Side Note: If you've been to the movie theatre lately, have you seen the trailer for Willis' new film entitled, "Bandits"? I sure have, and let me tell you, it looks like it'll be the "Hudson Hawk" of this decade. Ten years isn't long enough to forgive Willis for the trash (i.e., "Hudson Hawk") that he has brought to the world.

My Rating: 1 star out of ten
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