Extreme disappointment
22 January 2004
First of all, let me make clear that Highlander is one of my all time favourite movies. It had a slightly naff ending, and didn't require a sequel, but given they were going to make a sequel it didn't mean that the sequel would necessarily suck. But suck it did, and BIG TIME.

Let me get a few things straight:

1. It was bad for being set in a thoroughly depressing future

2. It was bad seriously reducing time-flipping editing which was such an attraction on the first movie

3. It was bad for resurrecting Sean Connery (mistake 1), and then killing him off again (why bother!)

4. It was bad for not having Queen as a soundtrack - mind you they made the right decision to stay away!

5. It was bad for callously dealing with Connors relationship with Brenda (not that the first film was brilliant here either)

But these above reasons, and more, are not the reasons I hate this movie: which I do. The reason is simple, and indeed a mistake made by a certain Mr Lucas:

They tried to remove the mystery and explain it all as the most inexplicable alien punishment ever invented!

Here was I enjoying Highlander, loved the mystery that every now again a mother might give birth to a son who was destined for immortality. That was a beautiful premise, not unlike a mother might give birth to a child who was strong in the Force.

But just like a Metachlorian(sp?) count, the mystery was blown away with several rocket launchers, illusions shattered with baseball bats, and dreams dried up with a hair dryer.

Oh what a waste. If you saw Highlander - and like it, and have not yet made the mistake of seeing Highlander II, and this article puts you off seeing it, then my job is WELL DONE.

To those who like it, I only wonder whether you also liked Mr Lucas explaining away The Force as a predictable device that can be utilised with the correct injection of a few Metachlorians (sp?), assuming a Psychologist can persuade them to cooperate! I am sure there are a few web-sites available where you can purchase them!
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